Choose the path that aligns with you

Individual Coaching
A 6-session coaching program focused on your wellness goals and bio-individual needs. We'll work hand in hand to identify sustainable habits that support your health holistically. Bi-weekly sessions, touch-base texts or emails in between and supporting documents will help us throughout this stepping stone of your healing journey.

Wellness Through Your Home Space
Your home space holistically contributes to your well-being. The purpose of this service is to support you in offering in-person ideas and recommendations that create clutter-free spaces, reorganize them, and incorporate natural elements that resonate with you.
Some initiatives we can work with are reorganizing rooms or sections in your home, as well as desks, pantries, refrigerators, and closets (among others) for an effective and efficient use of space.
The idea is to allow the room’s energy to flow and support your mood, concentration, creativity, and well-being.